How Kubeslice Solves the Connectivity Challenges of Multi-Cluster Kubernetes Applications

6 min read

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Kubernetes has become the de-facto container orchestration system and provides a lot of advantages for deploying and managing applications. It makes it easy to scale, update, and monitor applications with minimal effort. However, as applications grow and become more distributed across multiple clusters, there are some challenges in ensuring secure and reliable connectivity between the pods and services of the application.

For example, how do we deal with IP address conflicts between clusters? How do we apply consistent network policies across clusters? What about discovering and accessing services across clusters? How to optimize network performance and latency for inter-cluster traffic?

These are some of the common challenges that many developers face when deploying applications across multiple clusters, whether they are located in different regions, clouds, or data centres. Let's look at how you can solve these challenges using Kubeslice, a framework that enables Kubernetes pods and services to communicate seamlessly across clusters, clouds, edges, and data centres by creating logical application boundaries known as Slices.

What is Kubeslice?

Kubeslice is a framework that combines network, application, and deployment services in a framework to accelerate application deployment in a multi-cluster, multi-tenant environment. Kubeslice introduces a new concept of Slices, which are logical application boundaries that provide a slice of connectivity between the pods and services of an application running in multiple clusters.

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Slices create a flat overlay network that connects the clusters, regardless of their physical location and IP address. Pods can join the slice overlay network and communicate with each other seamlessly across cluster boundaries as if they were in the same cluster. Slices can also be described as application-specific VPCs that span across clusters.

Kubeslice aims to solve some of the common challenges that arise when deploying applications across multiple clusters. One of these challenges is IP address conflicts. Different clusters may use overlapping IP ranges, making it difficult to route traffic between them. Kubeslice solves this problem by allocating subnets to each slice that are configurable based on the number of pods that need inter-cluster reachability. Kubeslice also handles the NAT and routing for the slice subnets, ensuring that there are no IP conflicts between clusters.

Another challenge is network policies. Different clusters may have different network policies and firewall rules, restricting the communication between pods and services. Kubeslice solves this problem by applying network policies to each slice that define the allowed ingress and egress traffic for the slice pods. Kubeslice also ensures that the network policies are consistent and enforced across all clusters.

A third challenge is service discovery. Different clusters may have different service discovery mechanisms, making it hard to locate and access services across clusters. Kubeslice solves this problem by propagating namespaces across clusters and creating service endpoints for each slice service. Kubeslice also provides DNS resolution for the slice services, enabling pods to access them using their service names.

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A fourth challenge is performance and latency. Different clusters may have different network conditions and bandwidth limitations, affecting the performance and latency of the application. Kubeslice solves this problem by optimizing network routing and load balancing for inter-cluster traffic. Kubeslice also ensures that intra-cluster traffic remains local and does not traverse the slice overlay network, improving the performance and efficiency of your application.

Benefits of Kubeslice

Kubeslice offers several benefits for applications that need secure and highly available connectivity between multiple clusters. Some of these benefits include:

  • Improved security: Slices provide network isolation and encryption for inter-cluster traffic, preventing unauthorized access and eavesdropping. Slices also apply network policies to each slice that define the allowed ingress and egress traffic for the slice pods, ensuring that only authorized pods can communicate with each other.

  • Improved scalability: Slices enable horizontal scaling of applications across clusters, without requiring complex configuration or coordination. Slices also allow you to leverage the resources and capabilities of different clusters, such as availability zones, regions, clouds, or data centres, to optimize application performance and availability.

  • Improved performance: Slices optimize network routing and load balancing for inter-cluster traffic, reducing latency and bandwidth consumption. Slices also ensure that intra-cluster traffic remains local and does not traverse the slice overlay network, improving the performance and efficiency of applications.

  • Improved visibility: Slices provide metrics and logs for inter-cluster traffic, enabling monitoring and troubleshooting of my application performance. Slices also provide DNS resolution for the slice services, enabling users to discover and access them easily.

What are some use cases for Kubeslice?

Kubeslice is suited for a range of Kubernetes and cloud-native use cases that require isolation and connectivity across clusters. Some of these use cases include:

  • Multi-cloud: Kubeslice enables me to deploy my application across different cloud providers, and connect them using slices. This allows you to take advantage of the best features and prices of each cloud provider while ensuring consistent and secure communication between the application components.

  • Hybrid cloud: Kubeslice enables deploying applications across different environments, such as on-premises data centres and public clouds, and connects them using slices. This lets you leverage your existing infrastructure and resources while expanding your application reach and availability to the cloud.

  • Edge computing: Kubeslice enables you to deploy your application across different edge locations, such as IoT devices or edge servers, and connect them using slices. This way you can reduce latency and bandwidth consumption for your application while ensuring reliable and secure communication between edge devices.

  • SaaS: Kubeslice lets you offer your application as a service to multiple tenants or customers, and isolate them using slices. This way you can ensure that each tenant or customer has their own dedicated network and resources for their application while reducing the operational overhead and complexity of managing multiple clusters.

How does Kubeslice work under the hood?

Kubeslice is an “overlay” because it works with existing Kubernetes deployments and does not require any significant change to existing code – only an annotation needs to be added to a pod spec to enable its inclusion into a Slice.

Kubeslice creates a flat overlay network that connects the clusters using OpenVPN tunnels between slice gateways. Slice gateways are special pods that act as entry points to the slice overlay network. They use TLS certificates generated by the gateway-certs-generator to authenticate each other.

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Kubeslice allocates subnets to each slice that are configurable based on the number of pods that need inter-cluster reachability. Kubeslice also handles the NAT and routing for the slice subnets, ensuring that there are no IP conflicts between clusters.

Kubeslice applies network policies to each slice that define the allowed ingress and egress traffic for the slice pods. Kubeslice also ensures that the network policies are consistent and enforced across all clusters.

Kubeslice propagates namespaces across clusters and creates service endpoints for each slice service. Kubeslice also provides DNS resolution for the slice services, enabling pods to access them using their service names.

Kubeslice optimizes network routing and load balancing for inter-cluster traffic. Kubeslice also ensures that intra-cluster traffic remains local and does not traverse the slice overlay network.


We looked at how Kubeslice solves the connectivity challenges of multi-cluster Kubernetes applications. Kubeslice is a framework that enables Kubernetes pods and services to communicate seamlessly across clusters, clouds, edges, and data centres by creating logical application boundaries called Slices.

Kubeslice offers several benefits for applications that need secure and highly available connectivity between multiple clusters, such as improved security, scalability, performance, and visibility. Kubeslice is easy to use and works with existing Kubernetes deployments. Kubeslice is also suited for a range of Kubernetes and cloud-native use cases that require isolation and connectivity across clusters, such as multi-cloud, hybrid cloud, edge computing, and SaaS.

If you are interested in learning more about Kubeslice, you can visit its website, where you can also access its documentation, examples, and videos.