Leveraging hackathons to enhance your skills

7 min read

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As a developer, it's important to keep learning new skills and sharpen your existing skills. However, doing this can become difficult due to various reasons such as work commitments or personal undertakings. One of the greatest ways to learn a lot about a particular technology or stack is by participating in a hackathon and using that technology.

Hackathons are events where you can unleash your creativity and collaborate with other developers to create innovative solutions for specific challenges. They are also a great way to showcase your skills, network with peers and mentors, and win some amazing prizes.

Let us take a complete look at what are hackathons, how they can benefit you, and how to find them and use them efficiently.

What is a Hackathon?

A hackathon is an intense, time-bound event where individuals or teams collaborate to develop innovative solutions, leveraging creativity and technology to tackle specific challenges and create impactful prototypes. Every hackathon has one or more themes that guide the participants to focus on a particular problem domain or technology.

For example, some hackathons may challenge you to build a social good app using blockchain, while others may ask you to create a game using artificial intelligence. Some hackathons may have a broad theme, such as education or health, while others may have a narrow theme, such as COVID-19 or climate change.

Hackathons can vary in duration, format, and size. Some hackathons may last for a few hours, while others may last for several days or weeks. Some hackathons may be online or virtual, while others may be offline or in-person. Some hackathons may have hundreds or thousands of participants, while others may have only a few dozen.

Why Should You Participate in Hackathons?

Participating in hackathons can offer you many advantages. Let us take a look at some of these benefits below:

Rapid Learning

The best thing you can get from a hackathon is a new skill. Hackathons are events where you have the opportunity to push yourself out of your comfort zone and try something new. You can choose a technology that you have never worked with before and learn how to use it to build a project. This way, you can acquire a lot of knowledge and experience in a short time.

What is Code? - iamtheCODE

For example, if you have always wanted to learn how to use React or Flutter to build web or mobile apps, you can join a hackathon that requires you to use these technologies and learn them on the go. You can also find online tutorials, courses, or documentation that can help you get started.

Alternatively, if you already have some experience with technology, you can use a hackathon as an opportunity to deepen your understanding and improve your skills. You can challenge yourself to use advanced features or techniques that you have not used before or optimize your code for performance or security.


Another benefit of participating in hackathons is that you can meet and connect with other developers who share your interests and passions. Whether you are participating in an in-person or virtual hackathon, chances are you will find someone who needs your help or can help you with your project. You can team up with them and work together to create something amazing. This can also lead to future collaborations or opportunities.

For example, if you are looking for a co-founder for your startup idea, you can join a hackathon that is related to your domain and find someone who has the skills or vision that complement yours. You can also pitch your idea to potential investors or mentors who may be present at the hackathon.

How to Win a Hackathon: Proven Tips | Tecknoworks

Alternatively, if you are looking for a job or an internship, you can use a hackathon as a way to showcase your talent and impress potential employers or recruiters. You can also network with other developers who may refer you to their companies or projects.

Hands-on Experience

Hackathons are all about learning by doing. Even if you don’t win the hackathon, at the end of the day, you will have built something that you can be proud of. You will also have learned how to apply your skills and knowledge to solve real-world problems. Your hackathon projects can be added to your portfolio or used as a college projects.

For example, if you are interested in building applications for social good, you can join a hackathon that focuses on solving social issues such as poverty, education, health care, etc. You can build an app that helps people access information, resources, or services that they need.

Alternatively, if you are interested in building applications for fun or entertainment, you can join a hackathon that focuses on creating games, art, or music. You can build a game that challenges or entertains the players, or an app that generates or modifies images or sounds.

Swags and Prizes

Hackathons also offer lucrative rewards to the winners. There are usually multiple prize tracks that you can compete in, such as the best idea, the most creative implementation, the most impactful solution, etc. Even if you don’t win the main prize, you might be able to get some swags or goodies from the sponsors or organizers.

For example, some hackathons may offer cash prizes, gift cards, gadgets, or software licenses to the winners. Some hackathons may also offer mentorship, incubation, or funding opportunities to the winners.

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Alternatively, some hackathons may offer non-monetary rewards, such as recognition, exposure, or feedback. Some hackathons may also offer social rewards, such as badges, certificates, or trophies.

How to Participate in Hackathons?

Now that you know the benefits of participating in hackathons, you might be wondering how to find and join one. There are many platforms and websites that host hackathons regularly, such as Devpost, HackerEarth, MLH, etc. You can browse through them and find a hackathon that suits your interests and skills.

To participate in a hackathon, you usually need to follow these steps:

  • Register for the hackathon on the platform or website that is hosting it.

  • Find a team or work solo. Depending on the rules of the hackathon, you may need to form a team of a certain size or work individually. You can either invite your friends or colleagues to join your team or find teammates online through forums or chat rooms.

  • Build your project using the theme and technology of the hackathon. You may need to use a specific API, SDK, or framework provided by the sponsors or organizers.

  • Submit your project before the deadline. You may need to provide a link to your code repository, a video demo, a presentation slide, or a blog post explaining your project.

  • Wait for the judging and announcement of the winners. The judges may be experts from the industry or academia who will evaluate your project based on various factors such as originality, functionality, design, impact, etc.

Join the 1Password Hackathon by Hashnode Today!

One hackathon that is going on right now that you can join and win prizes up to 5000 USD is the 1Password Hackathon by Hashnode. This is a great opportunity for you to learn about security and build a secure application using 1Password’s API.


1Password is a password manager that helps you create and store strong passwords for all your online accounts. It also helps you protect your sensitive data such as credit cards, bank accounts, notes, etc. with encryption and biometric authentication.

1Password’s API allows you to integrate 1Password’s features into your own web applications. You can use it to securely store and retrieve user data, generate and fill passwords, encrypt and decrypt data, etc.

To participate in this hackathon, all you need to do is:

Some of the prizes that you can win are:

  • $5000 USD cash prize for the grand winner

  • $1000 USD cash prize for each of the four runners-up

  • $100 USD Amazon gift card for each of the 20 honourable mentions

  • A one-year subscription to 1Password for each of the participants

Apart from the amazing prizes, you can also get many benefits from this hackathon such as:

  • Learn about security and build a secure application

  • Network with some security experts

  • Build an amazing project to add to your portfolio

So what are you waiting for? Join the 1Password Hackathon by Hashnode today and start hacking!

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Great Article! Kindly correct that ⚠ The hackathon ends on June 30 and not July 31st.