My thoughts on time management

5 min read

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In today's society, wasting time scrolling endlessly on social media, procrastinating, and watching TV excessively, make people forget that time is the most valuable resource. All these activities aren't a waste of time but doing them for hours end is. Effectively managing your time can contribute a lot to your personal and professional growth.

Time Management

It is the process that involves planning and organizing all the activities you do within specified periods. Setting personal goals, spending time towards achieving them, and restricting unproductive activities can turn your whole life around. Effective time management is not about cramming more tasks into your day but rather about working smarter, not harder.

Time Management: Tips

Eisenhower Matrix for decision-making & productivity: The ultimate guide

Goals: Think of some goals that you want to achieve and write them down. Think of how you will achieve them, break them into small steps and try to accomplish them slowly and gradually.

Perfectionist: Don't try to be a perfectionist and do all the tasks with dedication, it will only drain you of your energy early in the day itself. Doing each task with perfection can also be time-consuming and brings pressure, which is not needed.

Prioritization: It is very crucial to figure out what tasks are of more importance and urgency than others. Plan according to both these factors to get the urgent and important work done first.

Schedule: Develop a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule for tasks and activities. Also, remember to take breaks between tasks to recharge your energy and also refresh your mood.

Procrastination: Procrastination can be very dangerous. Complete them into small, manageable parts and tackle them one step at a time. Try to finish them within the given deadline.

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