Revolutionizing Distributed Tracing

3 min read

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Introduction to Odigos

In the evolving landscape of software development, maintaining oversight over application performance and health has become increasingly complex. Odigos, an innovative open-source project, addresses these challenges head-on by offering instant distributed tracing capabilities. Utilizing extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) technology, Odigos enables seamless tracing without the need for code modifications or introducing performance overheads.

The Challenge: Simplifying OpenTelemetry Implementation

The adoption of OpenTelemetry, a set of APIs, libraries, agents, and instrumentation to standardize the generation and collection of telemetry data (e.g., metrics, logs, traces), is often hindered by its complexity. Traditional implementations require extensive code changes, posing a significant barrier for many development teams. This complexity not only delays integration but also impacts ongoing maintenance and agility in application development.

Odigos' Innovative Solution

Odigos simplifies the integration of distributed tracing by leveraging eBPF technology. This approach allows Odigos to automate the implementation of OpenTelemetry, enabling developers to set up distributed tracing within minutes. By abstracting the complexity associated with manual instrumentation, Odigos facilitates a smoother and more efficient monitoring setup, empowering developers to focus on creating value-adding features rather than managing telemetry tools.

Unique Selling Propositions (USPs)

Odigos stands out in the distributed tracing market with several key differentiators:

  1. Language Agnosticism: Odigos is uniquely capable of generating distributed tracing for five major programming languages—Go, Java, Python, Node.js, and .NET—without any required changes to the code. This capability is unmatched by competitors who may only offer visualization tools rather than actual trace generation.

  2. Open-Source and Vendor Agnosticism: As an open-source solution, Odigos ensures that it can be integrated with any existing monitoring solutions without locking users into a specific vendor. This flexibility is crucial for teams looking to maintain a diverse set of tools or who are wary of vendor lock-in.

Performance and Adoption

Odigos has rapidly gained traction within the developer community, as evidenced by its impressive metrics: 3,000 stars and 47 contributors on GitHub. A notable customer, Access Bank, highlights the practical benefits and real-world application of Odigos, showcasing its effectiveness in a demanding enterprise environment.

Target Market

Odigos primarily serves platform engineers, DevOps professionals, and Site Reliability Engineers (SREs). These specialists benefit most from Odigos's ability to streamline the implementation and management of distributed tracing systems, thereby enhancing their operational efficiency and system reliability.

Getting Involved

GitHub - keyval-dev/

For those interested in leveraging or contributing to Odigos, the project is actively seeking involvement from the community. More information, documentation, and contribution guidelines are available on the Odigos GitHub page.


By delivering a robust, easy-to-use solution for distributed tracing, Odigos is setting a new standard in the monitoring and observability space. Its innovative use of eBPF technology positions Odigos as a pioneering tool that significantly reduces the barriers to implementing effective telemetry strategies. As more organizations recognize the importance of efficient application monitoring, Odigos is well-placed to become an essential tool in the software development toolkit.

Shoutout to Odigos for collaborating with me on this case study.